What's New:
- Write Invalidate coherency model added for those who want to use Heca natively in their application as Distributed Shared Memory( more on that in a subsequent post)
- Significant improvement in performance of page transfer as well as a numbres of bugs squashed.
- Specific Optimisation for KVM.
- Scale out memory mirroring
- Hybrid Post copy live migration
- Moved to linux Kernel 3.9 Stable
- Moved to Qemu-kvm 1.4 stable
- Added Test / Proof of concept tools ( specifically for the new coherency model)
- Improved Documentation
We are now focusing on Stabilizing the code as well as robustness ( we aim at making the code production ready by 0.4) . Also, we are starting significant work to transparently integrate Hecatonchire so it can be transparently leverage via a cloud stack and more specifically openstack.
You can download it here : http://hecatonchire.com/#download.html
You can see the install doc here: https://github.com/hecatonchire/heca-misc/tree/heca-0.2/docs
And finally the changelog there : http://hecatonchire.com/#changelog-0.2.html
Or you can just pull the Master branch on github: https://github.com/hecatonchire
Stay tuned for more in depth blog post on Hecatonchire.