To install SoftIwarp you have to go through 4 stages: Setting up the environment, Building SoftIwarp, Configuring Softiwarp, Testing.
Setting up RDMA environment
Before you start you should prepare the environment for building a kernel module and userspace library.
Basic building environment
sudo apt-get install libibverbs1 libibverbs-dev librdmacm1 \
librdmacm-dev rdmacm-utils ibverbs-utils
Insert common RDMA kernel modules
sudo modprobe ib_core
sudo modprobe rdma_ucm
Check if everything is correctly installed :
sudo lsmod | grep rdma
You should see something like this :
rdma_ucm 28672 0 ib_uverbs 126976 1 rdma_ucm rdma_cm 61440 1 rdma_ucm iw_cm 49152 1 rdma_cm ib_cm 57344 1 rdma_cm ib_core 311296 5 rdma_cm,iw_cm,rdma_ucm,ib_uverbs,ib_cm
Now set up some library for the userspace libs :
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake gcc libudev-dev libnl-3-dev \
libnl-route-3-dev ninja-build pkg-config valgrind
10 years ago you had to clone the SoftiWARP source code and build it ( Now you are lucky, it is by default in the Linux kernel 5.3 and above!
You just have to type :
sudo modprobe siw
verify it works :
sudo lsmod | grep siw
you should see :
siw 188416 0 ib_core 311296 6 rdma_cm,iw_cm,rdma_ucm,ib_uverbs,siw,ib_cm libcrc32c 16384 3 nf_conntrack,nf_nat,siw
moreover, you should check if you have an Infiniband device present :
ls /dev/infiniband
Result :
You also need to add the following file in your /etc/udev/rules.d/90-ib.rules directory containing the below entries :
#### /etc/udev/rules.d/90-ib.rules ####
KERNEL=="umad*", NAME="infiniband/%k"
KERNEL=="issm*", NAME="infiniband/%k"
KERNEL=="ucm*", NAME="infiniband/%k", MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="uverbs*", NAME="infiniband/%k", MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="uat", NAME="infiniband/%k", MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="ucma", NAME="infiniband/%k", MODE="0666"
KERNEL=="rdma_cm", NAME="infiniband/%k", MODE="0666"
If it doesn't exist you need to create it.
I would suggest you add also the module to the list of modules to load at boot by adding them to /etc/modules file
You need now to reboot your system.
Userspace library
Normally, recent library support softiwarp out of the box. But if you want to compile your own version follow the step bellow. However, do this at your own risk... I recommend to stick with the std libs.
Optional build SIW userland libraries:
All the userspace library are in a nice single repository. You just have to clone the repo and build all the shared libraries. If you want you can also just build libsiw but it's just easier to build everything at once.
git clone cd ./softiwarp-user-for-linux-rdma/ ./
Now we have to setup the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that build libraries can be found.
cd ./softiwarp-user-for-linux-rdma/build/lib/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd):$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
or you can add the line in your .bashrc profile:
End of optional section
Setup the SIW interface :
Now we will be setting up the loopback and a standard eth interface as RDMA device:
sudo rdma link add <NAME OF SIW DEVICE > type siw netdev <NAME OF THE INTERFACE>
In this case for me :
sudo rdma link add siw0 type siw netdev enp0s31f6 sudo rdma link add siw_loop type siw netdev l0You can check the two devices have been correctly set up using ivc_devices and ibv_devinfo command
result of ibv_devices :
device node GUID
result of ibv_devinfo :------ ---------------- siw0 507b9ddd7a170000 siw_loop 0000000000000000
hca_id: siw0transport: iWARP (1) fw_ver: 0.0.0 node_guid: 507b:9ddd:7a17:0000 sys_image_guid: 507b:9ddd:7a17:0000 vendor_id: 0x626d74 vendor_part_id: 0 hw_ver: 0x0 phys_port_cnt: 1 port: 1 state: PORT_ACTIVE (4) max_mtu: 1024 (3) active_mtu: invalid MTU (0) sm_lid: 0 port_lid: 0 port_lmc: 0x00 link_layer: Ethernet hca_id: siw_loop transport: iWARP (1) fw_ver: 0.0.0 node_guid: 0000:0000:0000:0000 sys_image_guid: 0000:0000:0000:0000 vendor_id: 0x626d74 vendor_part_id: 0 hw_ver: 0x0 phys_port_cnt: 1 port: 1 state: PORT_ACTIVE (4) max_mtu: 4096 (5) active_mtu: invalid MTU (0) sm_lid: 0 port_lid: 0 port_lmc: 0x00 link_layer: Ethernet
Testing with RPING:
Now we simply test the setup with rping :
In one shell :
rping -s -a <serverIP>
in the other :
rping -c -a <serverIP> -v
And you should see the rping working successfully!
You are now all set to use RDMA without the need for expensive hardware.
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