- iter : Go implementation of C++ STL iterators and algorithms. I really need to look into C++ again. Been a really long time since I touched it.
- HotChips 2019 : All videos from talks at this year HotChips conference ( 31st of its kind!)
- Granne : Graph-based approximate nearest neighbour search in Rust, I really like Annoy from Spotify but this Rust implementation seems attractive enough that I will give it a spin.
A blog about life, Engineering, Business, Research, and everything else (especially everything else)
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
[Links of the Day] 31/12/2019 : C++ STL iterators for GO, Hotchips 2019 and Rust implementation of Graph based Nearest Neighbour search
links of the day
nearest neighbour search
Thursday, December 19, 2019
[Links of the Day] 19/12/2019 : Machine learning at arXiv, Netflix human centered machine learning infrastructure management library, Filesystems are still not fully SSD aware
- arXiv Machine Learning Classification Guide : how does ArXiv classify papers automatically with machine learning and what they plan to do with it in the future.
- Metaflow : Netflix open source it's human-centred python library for managing machine learning infrastructure. It can user PyTorch, Tensorflow and Scikit. [website]
- Evaluating File System Reliability on Solid State Drives : Your filesystem needs to understand the underlying hardware in order to guarantee reliability and security of the data stored. Nowadays the majority of storage solution relies on SSD but the authors discovered that many of the common filesystems are not fully SSD aware in their operations. They demonstrated that in 16% of the case faults resulted in irrecoverable failures.
links of the day
machine learning
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
[Links of the Day] 17/12/2019 : Business Models throughout history, Indexing Billions Vectors, US Progress report on #AI
- Business Models : A long list of various business model with examples. The descriptions of the models are short and self-explanatory. Great short read.
- Indexing Billions of Text Vectors : when you have to use text vectors and you need to search them fast, K nearest neighbour search to the rescue.
- 2016-2019 Progress Report - Advancing Artificial Intelligence : US National Science and Technology Council report on Artificial Intelligence. It seems that AI crept up in the radar of the legislator and executive. Luckily they will understand that AI R&D has become pervasive in all sectors of the industry and without continuous investment US will quickly fall behind in this arms race. [slidedeck]
Thursday, December 12, 2019
[Links of the Day] 12/12/2019 : Edge Neural Network attack surface survey, Multidimensional Indexes for K/V store, Deploy your own SaaS
- Survey of Attacks and Defenses on Edge-Deployed Neural Networks : As machine learning becomes more pervasive in everyday technology. We need to start looking into the attack surface area of these techs. And, ho boy... It's not only huge but there is a lot of hidden potential in there. The authors do a really good job of looking at the current state of play on edge deployed neural network security.
- Learned Multi-dimensional Indexes : The authors propose Flood, a multi-dimensional in-memory index that automatically adapts to the dataset and workload. It seems like a fantastic upgrade for standard k/v store. K/V store has always been terrible at range scan and other multidimensional operations. I wonder if this technique can be easily adapted to Cassandra / Scylladb. This might deliver a significant boost for these DB systems.
- Deploy-your-own-SaaS : Deploy your own Saas, just for you. Cool Templates repo with tons of SaaS service for personal ( or family / small group ) use. Chat server, Music streaming, website, adblock, etc.. you name it.
key/value store
links of the day
neural networks
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
[Links of the Day] 10/12/2019 : Company culture syllabus, Visual Guide to BERT, Consensus algorithm
- Holloway Syllabus on Company Culture : 230+ resources about company culture. Excellent set of references that provide a wide breadth of documents ranging from values to leadership.
- Visual Guide to Using BERT : really nice blog post explaining bert with nice diagrams
- Threshold Logical Clocks for Asynchronous Distributed Coordination and Consensus : another consensus algorithm. In this case, it's a randomised consensus. One of the drawbacks from the approach is that the algorithm relies on a lot of communication (all to all) which makes it difficult to scale and also hard to properly debug.
company culture
distributed consensus
links of the day
Thursday, December 05, 2019
[Links of the Day] 05/12/19 : Tensor Processing Units for Machine learning, Short history of Intel CPU registers, Chrome as a service
- Tensor Processing Units architectures : David Patterson describes the evolution of the TPUs unit over three generations.
- Short history of the Intel CPU's register : i4004, 1971 => i8008, 1972 => i8080, 1974 => Z80, 1976 ...
- Chrome as a service : chrome in docker that you can run in the cloud easily, google cloud run is probably your best friend in this case. [git]
links of the day
machine learning
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
[Links of the Day] 03/12/2019 : Update Framework, Good Runbook, 50 years of computer architecture
- Update Framework : this looks highly promising, the Linux Foundation is teaming up with CNCF to deliver a secure way to maintain and update system even in the face of adversity. Knowing that there is an update to apply is already half the battle and this framework seems to go a long way to help you with this and tackle the next half efficiently.
- Good Runbook : what is a good runbook, how to structure it and how to apply it. Runbooks are the basics of the standard operations procedure in case of failure. Often overlooked as an afterthought, the runbooks in your company should be carefully designed to be easily understandable and applicable. As more often than not, the person who wrote the runbook won't be the one executing it on the next failure.
- 50 Years of Computer Architecture : a nice historic recap of the evolution of the processor architecture and where we are going. The mainframe CPU history is just worth a read alone. [slides]
computer architecture
links of the day
Thursday, November 28, 2019
[Links of the Day] 28/11/2019 : Metrics Stream Processing Framework, SOPS'19, Distributed Transaction K/V
- Mantis : netflix metric stream processing framework. This seems to be a really powerful platform for realtime monitoring and especially contextual alerting and alerting on logs. What's impressive is the throughput it can churn through events... [github]
- SOPS'19 : SOPS papers are in free open access, a lot of papers on security and formal verification of distributed this year. [Murat review Day0, Day1, Day2]
- Tikv : Distributed transactional key-value database. [Github]
distributed system
key/value database
links of the day
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
[Links of the Day] 26/11/2019 : MD + GIT = Powerpoint , K8s minus 5 , Polyglot Notebook
- GitPitch : markdown powered presentation tool. I'm lazy and I feel that powerpoint/google doc does the trick for me. However, if you are willing to go past the learning curve this seems to be a great tool! Hey, I still prefer to write my document in Latex.. So who am I to judge :) [github]
- k3s : Kubernetes but lightweight. 5 times less to be precise ( hence the 3 = 8 - 5 )
- Polynote : polyglot notebook by netflix. I really like the concept of notebook IDE as a service. This is a must for any organisation that heavily rely on data science to optimise their operations. [github]
links of the day
Thursday, November 21, 2019
[Links of the Day] 21/11/2019 : NLP reference book, Persistent Memory test, HPC programming language
- Natural Language Processing : an excellent book covering NLP traditional statistical methods, linear models & context-free parsing right through to modern neural network-based approaches.
- PMTest : presistent memory test framework. I feel strongly that this is sorely needed as non-volatile tech is finally reaching the mass scale adoption in the industry. And I fear that some devs might wake up one day with a bad surprise when they realise that their PM library is not as crash consistent as advertised.
- Chapel : Cray HPC programming language. I really wonder how hard would it be to port it / use it on traditional cloud infrastructure.
links of the day
persistent memory
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
[Links of the Day] 19/11/2019 : Stateful Functions, Timeseries in JS, EU SMEs and Cloud
- Stateful functions : this is a really cool concept that mimics the lambda model but injects statefulness in the function by leveraging Apache Flink. Ok, you need the whole Kafka/Flink stack but the benefit from this is quite staggering.
- uplot : fast tiny time series and line chart. Enough said :)
- Study on the economic detriment from unfair and unbalanced cloud computing contracts : European study on the unfair balance of power held by cloud providers and its impacts on EU SMEs. Sadly the report seems to be heavily biased against the cloud providers. It seems to boil down that a lot of problem stems from a lack of education of the customer and the lack of understanding of the problems and costs associated with cloud-based services.
links of the day
time series
Thursday, October 31, 2019
[Links of the Day] 31/10/2019 : Technical Leadership , Agile culture , State of #MachineLearning frameworks
- Technical Leadership decisions : really cool slide deck that provide a quick overview of what encompasses technical leadership. It's just worth to give it a look for the great book and website reference
- Growing an Agile Culture : Belinda Waldock explores what modern agile culture looks and feels like, and the attitudes, values and beliefs needed to grow and sustain a culture of agility in teams and organizations.
- The state of Machine learning Framework : TL;DR: pytorch is heavily represented in academia while tensorflow retain the preference of industry.
links of the day
machine learning
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
[Links of the Day] 29/10/2019 : Cloud Native Application Bundle, Edge platform, Dapr
- Porter : cloud installer based on the Cloud Native Application Bundle. I didn't know about CNAB before comming across porter. But it seems that it allows you to package everything related to your application and the related cloud configuration. Looks like it supports the top 3 cloud provider, terraform, helm/ k8s.
- Project EVE : edge platform deployable on bare-metal hardware. There are some really interesting capabilities, such as the remote update/ patching aspect, unikernel support, worth a look. Also please shime along to the LF Edge website, there is some other cool edge related project out there.
- Dapr : Microsoft microservice k8s framework. Didn't have time to dig too much into it. But it seems to make quite a buzz. [github]
edge computing
links of the day
Thursday, October 24, 2019
[Links of the Day] 24/10/2019 : #AI , #ML #Deeplearning , #BigData cheat sheet, Resilience engineering, Machine learning platform
- Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data : pretty much a compilation of all the cheat sheet out there in relation to AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data.
- Resilience Engineering : really interesting collection of people and associated papers on the topic of resiliency and more specifically applied to the domain of engineering. A good amount of really important information to digest especially for the folks working in SRE.
- MLFlow : Machine learning model registry, think docker hub but for ML .. Kind of like TensorFlow hub but you can [github]. But wait, that's not just it! ML flow is a platform that also offers ML project management and tracking. Worth a check.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
[Links of the Day] 22/10/2019 : Machine learning platform for medical image analysis, Distributed serverless golang, Why maintenance gets neglected?
- NiftyNet : TensorFlow based opensource CCNs platform aiming at accelerating research in medical image analysis.
- Bigmachine : like coroutine? like golang? like serverless? well seek no further, bigmachine is for you. It's a really cool library for self-managing serverless computing. You basically write your service in a single monolithic go and bigmachine will distribute it for you. It feels like openMP but for serverless. [github]
- Why do people neglect maintenance: well sadly it seems that often maintenance cost get compounded into technical debt. As the authors describe in this article, there is a lot of reason why maintenance often take a back seat when it comes to prioritisation of the next dev cycle. I also feel that the authors missed an important aspect: employee churn. New employees coming to a company usually don’t want to “maintain and fix” the code of others. Moreover, HR and any interviewer rarely advertise a position for: we need to make sure our services keep ticking so we need somebody to maintain our codebase.
links of the day
machine learning
Thursday, October 17, 2019
[Links of the Day] 17/10/2019 : Kubernetes single node cluster using NIX , Devops Wallboard, Json CLI tool
- kubernix : Single dependency, single node Kubernetes clusters for local testing, experimenting and development. This project uses NIX as it's underlying functional package manager.
- mirrorgate : this looks like a better version of Hygiea from capital one. From a quick glance at the code, it seems easier to deploy and extend. I think I will give it a spin and see what we can achieve with it. I strongly feel that wallboard application are essential for effective SRE/Devops and provide direct feedback to the teams while contextualizing it with business process output. What's probably missing from this version is the "executive" wallboard that Hygiea offers.
- jtc : select one or multiple elements from a source JSON and apply various actions on the selected elements at once. Another tool for your swiss army knife bash script.
links of the day
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
[Links of the Day] 15/10/2019 : k8s python operator, Strangeloop notes, Machine learning UI framework
- Kopf : Kubernetes Operator Pythonic Framework— is a framework and a library to make Kubernetes operators development easier, just in few lines of Python code.
- Strange loop notes : some quick and insightful notes on this year strange loop.
- StreamLit : app framework specifically for Machine Learning and Data Science teams. It helps you build quick UI around your ML models and get the result out quick to the end user. [website]
links of the day
machine learning
Tuesday, October 08, 2019
[Links of the Day] 08/10/2019 : #AI , #DeepLearning , & #MachineLearning Hardware accelerators evaluation and benchmark
- Performance and Power Evaluation of AI Accelerators for Training Deep Learning Models : as Deep Learning users seek to squeeze that extra 5% accuracy from their model. They turn to hardware accelerator in order to reduce cost and shorten the training time by order of magnitude. However, not all accelerators are created equals as the authors demonstrate in this paper.
- MLPerf Benchmark Suite : Benchmark suite for machine learning hardware accelerator [slides / presentation]
- C4 model : software modelization architecture framework. Help you simplify and clearly describe your software stack by breaking it down into 4 distinct layers: system, containers, components, and code.
Thursday, October 03, 2019
[Links of the day] 03/10/2019 : Kubernetes policy controller, Bash bible, git blame someone else
- Gatekeeper : a policy controller for Kubernetes. It is based on the openpolicy agent (OPA). It seems that OPA is rapidly becoming the default policy system across a wide array of system. This is encouraging as it is too often dominated by vendor-specific solutions that are hard to port to new solution and greatly limit the range of solution you can embrace.
- Bash Bible : a collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes. Really handy!
- Git Blame-Someone-Else : Introduced a bug in production code, want to hide it? Just blame someone else! This tool allows you to changes not only who authored the commit but the listed committer as well.
open policy agent
Tuesday, October 01, 2019
[Links of the Day] 01/10/2019 : Capital venture relationships and investments, Neural Network normalisation Technic, Lossless data compression using deep learning
- The Dynamics of Venture Capital Relationships : Study of VC network of relationship. The authors found that having a deeper relationship leads to fewer, not more future co-investments. Moreover, deeper relationships lead to lower exit performance, even after controlling for endogeneity. Interestingly, deeper relationships first lead to lower performance and subsequently lead to a slowdown in the relationship intensity. Relationship effects are more negative for VC firms with less central network positions, and for deals made in “hot” investment markets.
- Cerebras : a new technique for normalizing hidden activations on neural networks. This allows researchers to greatly accelerated their training sequence without the need to be a Google or AWS with dedicated accelerators. [presentation] [git]
- Bit-swap : lossless data compression technique using deep learning.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
[Links of the Day] 26/09/2019 : Continuous compliance, Golang UI terminal for docker, Startup checklist
- Continuous Compliance : an interesting post about continuous compliance and how to integrate it as a standard practice in your CICD. However, more often than not, the main issue on the human side and not the technical side. Sadly, companies tend to avoid the introduction of continuous compliance. They this technology as an increased risk because the constant validation can pickup problem that are not detectable with episodic checks. Which ultimately translates into $$ cost, as if a compliance issue is detected, it has to be fixed. That's why your best chance to introduce continuous compliance practice within your SDLC would be in the initial requirements collection phase of a Greenfield project.
- Lazy-Docker : great UI terminal for managing docker and docker-compose. Bonus : written in GO.
- Startup Checklist : a succinct checklist that can quickly help you develop ideas and filter them. However, like the author mention, be careful to not over filter ideas as the good one can be too easily dismissed.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
[Links of the Day] 24/09/2019 : Fuzzing testing CLI, Compliance tool, AWS git remote
- Fuzzit : cool CLI tool helping you to integrate continuous fuzzing testing in your continuous integration environment.
- Anteater : compliance tool for your CI/CD. Regexp based, but it is still a really good starting base for quickly adding more trust in your codebase and SDLC.
- get-aws-remote : git remote helper for pulling data from an AWS account just like pulling from a Git remote.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
[Links of the Day] 19/09/2019 : Golang DNS lib, tool for SQL query across databases, Linux Kernel Devops
- NewDNS : Want to build a DNS in GO, this is for you.
- OctoSQL : query tool that allows you to join, analyse and transform data from multiple databases and file formats using SQL.
- kdevops : devops framework for Linux kernel development that relies on ansible, vagrant and terraform, ansible roles through the Ansible Galaxy, and terraform modules. It aims at making setting up and testing the Linux kernel for any project as easy as possible. I wish I had that a couple of years ago.
links of the day
linux kernel
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
[Links of the Day] 17/09/2019 : DHCP load balancer, Graph processing on FPGA, Transform data with SQL
- Dhcplb : DHCP load balancer. Looks really cool as it helps scale physical datacenter rapidly with the limited hassle of DHCP. It also reduces a lot of the network complexity that comes with the DHCP protocol.
- Graph Processing on FPGA : survey and taxonomy on graph computations on FPGAs.
- DBT : enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using SQL language.
data analyst
graph processing
links of the day
load balancing
Monday, September 16, 2019
[Links of the Day] 16/09/2019 : Proof of History Blockchain, ElasticSearch cluster operation Library, using ML to extract scholar document info
- Solana : Proof of History based blockchain system. [website]
- Vulcanizer : Go library for interacting with an Elasticsearch cluster. It is not meant to be a full-fledged Elasticsearch client. Its goal is to provide a high-level API to help with common tasks that are associated with operating an Elasticsearch cluster such as querying health status of the cluster, migrating data off of nodes, updating cluster settings, and more. [github]
- Grobid : machine learning software for extracting information from scholarly documents.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
[Links of the Day] 10/09/2019: 6 pager, engineering user stories, disaggregated persistent memory
- Using 6 Page and 2 Page Documents To Make Organizational Decisions : The famous Jeff Bezos six-page document and review meeting process, as a mechanism to address this challenge. I like the concept but it can be hard to adopt without a company-wide push from the top.
- Engineering guide to writing correct User Stories : Nice and concise guide that will help you to write better user stories and focus on their needs.
- OpenFAM : a programming model for disaggregated persistent memory. This looks cool but I really wonder if HP labs ( and the parent company) is going anywhere with this. They touted the whole "the machine" a while back but we can't see any production-ready application of the concept yet. [paper]
links of the day
user stories
Thursday, May 09, 2019
[Links of the Day] 09/05/2019 : Algorithms discrimination, Generalised solution to distributed consensus, P2P Docker registry
- Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms : Machine learning has a huge potential, both for good and evil. The most perfidious is discrimination from an opaque algorithm, as proving that the algorithm is discriminative becomes extremely hard post-hoc.
- A generalised solution to distributed consensus : this result will rapidly become the first thing taught in every single distributed systems class. And if this holds as a generalization of trustful distributed consensus as a field, then she has defined its Turing Machine equivalent. And it is even remarkably easy to understand!
- kraken : P2P Docker registry capable of distributing TBs of data in seconds
Tuesday, May 07, 2019
[Links of the Day] 07/05/2019 : JIT runtime for WASM, Advanced Distributed Command Dispatch, Data templating for all
- WasmTime : Standalone JIT-style runtime for WebAsssembly, using Cranelift
- Brighter : Command Dispatcher, Processor, and Distributed Task Queue
- Jsonnet : A data templating language for app and tool developers. This seems to hit a sweet spot for app configuration and tools. Often a lot of microservices/ apps have chained dependency in their configuration and we are still forced to write and maintain each of these configuration files separately. Jsonnet helps you solve that issue.
command and control
links of the day
Thursday, April 18, 2019
[Links of the Day] 18/04/2019 : Decentralised networks made easy, Reload Linux system over ssh, Self Hosted push notification
- Octopus : Octopus allow you to streamline the creation of decentralized networks.
- reload.sh : Wipe, reinstall or restore your system from running GNU/Linux distribution. Via SSH, without rebooting.
- Gotify : A self-hosted push notification service. But beware as worth noting that this will use a noticeable amount of power more than Google cloud messaging. Google/Apple and others have special deals with carriers that might make such solution cost prohibitive.
links of the day
push notification
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
[Links of the Day] 16/04/2019 : L3 VPN gateway, NSA reverse engineering toolkit, Proof of History based block-chain
- Vita : high-performance L3 VPN gateway you can use to interconnect your networks.
- Ghidra : the first real competitor to IDA Pro, the extremely expensive and often pirated state-of-the-art software for reverse engineering.
- Solana : bold claim from the authors as they claim to support 710,000 tx/s with off-the-shelf hardware and no sharding. This seems to be enabled by leveraging proof od history mechanism rather than the traditional proof of work that bitcoin and al. use.
links of the day
proof of history
reverse engineering
Tuesday, March 05, 2019
[Links of the Day] 05/03/2019 : RDMA for containers, K8s for hobbyist, OpenSource mobile core network
- FreeFlow : virtual RDMA networking purely with a software-based approach using commodity RDMA NICs for containers.
- K8s clusters for hobbyist : how to setup and operate a fully functional, secure Kubernetes cluster on a cloud provider such as Hetzner Cloud, DigitalOcean or Scaleway.
- Magma : open-source software platform that gives network operators an open, flexible and extendable mobile core network solution.
links of the day
open source
Thursday, February 21, 2019
[Links of the Day] 21/02/2019: Database Internals, Fosdem 2019 Videos, Cloud Programming Simplified
- Database Internals ; excellent series delving into the internal mechanism and algorithm of modern and not so modern database systems.
- Fosdem 2019 Videos: Fosdem 2019 conference video start to filter through on the interweb
- Cloud Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing paper which gives a quick history of cloud computing, including an accounting of the predictions of the 2009 Berkeley View of Cloud Computing paper, explains the motivation for serverless computing, describes applications that stretch the current limits of serverless, and then lists obstacles and research opportunities required for serverless computing to fulfil its full potential.
links of the day
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
[Links of the Day] 19/02/2019: Headless Jenkins, Organising AWS accounts, 10-tier microservices architecture demo
- jenkinsfile-runner : run your Jenkins file in headless mode. This is fantastic if you want to offer a quick way to test your pipeline locally or even offer Jenkins as a function.
- Organizing enterprise AWS accounts: a very good intro on how, what, and why partitioning your AWS accounts.
- 10-tier microservices architecture demo : shows how to build a website using a 10-tier microservices architecture—Kubernetes/GKE, Istio, Stackdriver, Skaffold, gRPC and OpenCensus—where each tier is written in a different language—Go, C#, Node, Python, Java, Python—all connected using gRPC, deployable using with little or no configuration. Microsoft has a similar example and lets me tell you I am sure that somewhere there is an exec that gave it a look and mandated a poor dev team to deliver the same for its company website while using their own private cloud ( he has to justify buying all those servers a couple of years ago)
links of the day
Thursday, February 14, 2019
[Links of the Day] 14/02/2019: golang fast HTTP , virtio shared file-system, enclave application
- FastHTTP : like net/http but up to 10x faster . Zero memory allocation on a fast path. When you really really need to go fast and the standard golang lib is not enough.
- Virtio-fs : shared file system build on top of the virtio framework. Finally a good way of sharing files and data between the host and the guest VM or between guests [git].
- Asylo : I recently came across the concept of enclave applications. An enclave is a special execution context where code can run protected from even the OS kernel, with the guarantee that even a user running with root privileges cannot extract the enclave’s secrets or compromise its integrity. It relies on Intel SGX or ARM trustzone security hardware feature to protect the runtime operation of the process. This might be the next security level for highly regulated industries that want to deploy in a public cloud environment which will completely eliminate a lot of the conundrum that they currently face.
file system
links of the day
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
[Links of the Day] 12/02/2019 : Product management search engine, BI made easy, Test Fuzzing infrastructure
- Product Management Search Engine: product management is a rather important part of the R&D lifecycle. Now you have a search engine for article and documentation in that specific domain.
- Blazer : easily create charts and dashboard to share.
- ClusterFuzz: google fuzzing infrastructure. Fuzz testing at scale, when coupled with OSS-fuzz you end up with a fantastic tool for finding bugs in code especially buffer overflow.
Tuesday, February 05, 2019
[Links of the Day] 05/02/2019 : git absorb, Interactive SICP, Geek gone criminal mastermind
- git-absorb: git commit --fixup, but automatic.
- interactive SICP : interactive versions of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. If you want to dig even further this book is interesting as it is beautiful to read.
- Techy gone criminal mastermind: a long read on how the (maybe) coder behind the TrueCrypt software became a drug lord. OK.. looks like he started really early down the criminal tech path: Lulu told me that when Le Roux was 15 or 16, in the late 1980s, the local police raided the family home and arrested Paul for selling pornography online.
computer science
links of the day
Thursday, January 31, 2019
[Links of the Day] 31/01/2019 : Evidence based management, real time data streams analysis, proxy firewall with deep protocol analysis
- Evidence-Based Management Guide : agile meet KPI scorecards ... Some interesting concept, but I am wary of the current trends of anything can be solved by X + Z in management...
- Confluo : real-time distributed analysis of multiple data streams. Confluo simultaneously supports high throughput concurrent writes, online queries at millisecond timescales, and CPU-efficient ad-hoc queries via a combination of data structures carefully designed for the specialized case of multiple data streams, and an end-to-end optimized system design.
- Zorp : open source proxy firewall with deep protocol analysis. If you want to be nice and cosy on a deep and meaningfull level with your traffic. This is for you. With Zorp you can control, inspect and modify traffic at the application layer.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
[Links of the Day] : 29/01/2019 : Agile BS, K8s and Serverless failure stories
- Detecting Agile BS : short sweet and straight to the point. Most companies out there are doing Agile BS. Very few really understand what it takes and even when they do they often assume that carpet bombing the approach across every practice will work... Waterfall model has its place, it all depends on your context and objectives.
- Kubernetes Failure stories : K8s fail and stuff go bad
- Serverless Failure stories : Well serverless fail too and stuff go bad ( and can cost you a lot of money )
links of the day
Thursday, January 24, 2019
[Links of the Day] 24/01/2019 : Txt Message Path, Pro Git Book, IT Postmortems collections
- The route of a text message : fantastic post taking you down the path that a text message goes through, from typing to sending it over the airwave and back to the recipient phone.
- Pro Git : excellent and free book on Git. A must read for anybody that interact daily with this awesome tool.
- Postmortems : a collection of outage postmortems from big and small companies.
links of the day
text message
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
[Links of the Day] 22/01/2019 : Bash CheatSheet , Github Actions, Decision Tree Lib
- Bash scripting cheatsheet : if you are like me and you always need to double check how to test a variable in bash .. this cheat sheet is for you. Also, you can probably any cheatsheet you need on the main page.
- Awesome-Actions : Github actions are all the rage. And this awesome git repo provides you all the cool kid's actions out there.
- DtreeViz : python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation.
cheat sheet
decision tree
links of the day
machine learning
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
[Links of the Day] 15/01/2019 : Incident Response best practice, Database Schema Crawler, Fingerprinting TLS
- ja3 : something I discovered recently. Apparently, you can fingerprint SSL and TLS session in order to identify the service being run behind the encrypted socket. Really awesome if you want to spot malware or bitcoin miner on your network. Or pretty much any other services as long as you have a fingerprint to compare with.
- SchemaCrawler : a cool tool for database schema discovery. This is a must when you have to take on board a legacy DB system that lacks clear documentation.
- Incident response : pager duty open sourced they incident response process. This is a really great set of tools, process and best practice for incident response. What is even more eye-opening is the part the describe the incident resolution scenario that didn't work and point out some great anti-patterns. A must read for any SRE team out there and anybody else that has an on-call duty and their managers.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
[Links of the Day] 10/01/2019 : High performance stream engine, Golang security links and a modern back orifice written in Go
- Trill: high-performance one-pass in-memory streaming analytics engine. This seems like a highly versatile and performant streaming engine. The team behind it is making some bold claims regarding its capability ( see table below). I think that this architecture is promising, however, the .net language might put some people off.
- Go Security link : loads of golang related security links
- Merlin : a cross-platform command and control server and agent. If you have used back orifice in the 90s. You will know what this tool offers :)
command and control
links of the day
stream engine
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
[ Links of the Day] 08/01/2019: Turn video into comics, Social impact of IoT, and Microservices orchestration DSL
- Comixify: Transform video into a comics with the power of machine learning. This is a really cool concept and the results are surprisingly good.
- A Storm in an IoT Cup : the authors look at the emergence of social machines where human interactions and relationship is made increasingly more complex with the rapid adoption of the Internet of Things.
- Baker : a library by ING bank that aims at reducing the efforts to orchestrate (micro)services process flows. The objective is to bring everybody from the product owners, architects and developers to talk the same language by relying on a unique service based processed workflow. While in itself it is not revolutionary. The DSL principle allows greater reusability of microservices as well as facilitating the comprehension and review of complex workflows.
links of the day
machine learning
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