Computer management
- awesome-shell - Command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
- Bash : everything about bash
- awesome-sysadmin - Backups, configuration management, DNS, IMAP/POP3, LDAP, monitoring, SSH, statistics, troubleshooting, virtualization, VPN and more.
- Awesome Dev Env - A curated list of awesome tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment.
- GitHub Cheat Sheet
- Dotfiles
- ES6 tools
- Vim
- Awesome-Emacs
- Awesome Editors - A curated list of awesome editors and related resources.
Big Data
- awesome-bigdata - Big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness.
- awesome-hadoop - Hadoop ecosystem resources.
- Awesome-Data-Science
- The Hadoop Ecosystem Table : a summary to keep the track of Hadoop related projects, focused on FLOSS environment.
- BigData : Massive list of Big Data useful stuff and links by Andrea Mostosi
- BigData blog list : This list contains almost all frequently-updated Big Data blogs, belonging to a wide range of categories: Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Machine Leaning, Data Visualization, Data Mining, NoSQL, Hadoop etc.
- Awesome Machine Learning - A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries and software (by language).
- Pattern Classification algorithms : Collection of tutorials and examples for solving and understanding machine learning and pattern classification tasks
Platforms Architecture - Design - Algorithms
- Awesome algorithms : Another curated list of places to learn and/or practice algorithms
- Awesome-DDD
- Microservices - 72 resources and links, good place to start if you want to learn about it.
- Everything about Queues! : Job queues, message queues and other queues. Almost all of them in one place.
Programming languages
- C/C++
- Clojure
- Cobol
- D
- Elixir
- Erlang
- Fortran
- Go
- Awesome-Grails
- Awesome-Groovy
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- .NET
- Perl
- Awesome-Pipeline
- Python
- Awesome-Puppet
- R
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- Frontdesk - Community driven list of useful things for Front End Developers
- Frontend Development - A huge list of frontend development resources collected over time. Sorted from general knowledge at the top to concrete problems at the bottom.
- Master List of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS Resources - Intent of sharing a list of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 resources that were found very useful
- Component kitchen : Components list for building web apps
- Awesome-CSS
- Web Tools
- Awesome-HTML5
- Node JS- A curated list of astonishing Node.js frameworks, libraries and resources
- Awesome Rails - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source rails related resource
- Awesome-Drupal
- Awesome-ColdFusion
- Awesome-Wordpress
- Awesome Talks - List of online talks that you would love to watch
- PostMortem Outages : what happened? what did they learn? and what can you learn in return :)
- Free programming books
- Papers We Love
- Lists
- Wikipedia
Finally : Awesomeness
- Awesome Awesomeness : list of curated collections of frameworks and libraries in various languages that do not suck. They solve the problem of “so, I’m new to (language) and don’t want to kiss a lot of frogs before I find the right tool for a particular task”
- Awesome Awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- Awesome Awesome - A curated list of awesome curated lists! Inspired by inspiration
- Awesome Awesome Awesome : A a curated list of curated lists of awesome lists.
And since awesome seems to be the theme of the day, here is the song that goes with it:
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