Ramcloud, High performance Messaging, Bitcoin and probabilistic programming and Thesis DB and Microservices, CockroachDB.
- LMAX Disruptor : A High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library. Nothing really knew under the sun, Ring buffers perform better than queues .. But still worth a look and use
- Bitcoin the Stripe perspective : Stripe advocate the use of bitcoin as universal currency between foreign exchange market and financial systems
- StackOverflow Update: 560M Pageviews A Month, 25 Servers, this show that the Microsoft stack can perform very well as its 100% C# .
- Why Probabilistic Programming Matters : Interesting view on probabilistic programming: can facilitate M2M interaction via adaptive data interpretation.
- Streaming File Synchronization : How Dropbox implemented and delivered file synchronization
- Open Access Theses and Dissertations : 1000+ sources, indexes 2,184,743+ theses and dissertations. If you are looking up a thesis or detailed information in a special field you probably find it there.
- Memory and object management in RAMCloud : log structured management of memory allow to achieve 80-90% memory utilisation while still offering high performance
- Master's Thesis: On Dependability Modeling in a Deployed Microservice Architecture : look into the dependability of microservices used in the Soundcloud architecture
- CockroachDB : A Scalable, Geo-Replicated, Transactional Datastore, No atomic lock :) . By some of the guys that build Spanner at Google. It use the Raft consensus protocol from Ramcloud to maintain cooherent and consistent range information across nodes.
Finally for the courageous or suicidal :
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