Tuesday, June 19, 2018

[Links of the Day] 19/06/2018 : Facebook network balancer, Open policy agent, Intel NLP libs

  • OPA : an open source policy agent that decouple policy from actual code logic. This is essential to provide great flexibility with fine-grained control of resources. These kinds of features are a key building block for secure and robust API based solution. [github]
  • Katran : facebook scalable network load balancer. It relies on eBPF and XDP from the Linux kernel to deliver impressive performance at low-cost thanks to its capability to run on off the shelf hardware. [github]
  • NLP Architect : Intel NLP library and solution. Sometimes I feel that Intel has some great hardware and software but the release cycle is rather decoupled. Which often leave the user in an odd situation, where the hardware is out but the software is not there yet. And sometimes it's the opposite. I really feel that Intel should work on this. Maybe externalise the software to a separate entity as the hardware culture might be impeding the software side of the company.

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