Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Links of the day 18 - 11 - 2014

Today's links 18/11/2014: #microservices, #cloud , oracle CPU, automated deployment, #RDMA, Intel Omni-path
  • Colossus : a lightweight framework for building high-performance applications in Scala that require non-blocking network I/O. In particular Colossus is focused on low-latency stateless microservices by tumlbr
  • M7: Next Generation Oracle Processor [ slides
  • Appolo : shared internal deployment service at Amazon and its public pendant AWS code deploy 
  • RDMA in the cloud : Vmware demonstrate RDMA for virtual machine in cloud env but as usual with vmware presentation the graph scale are poorly chosen... 
  • Omnipath : Intel is gunning at infiniband with its new 100 Gbps fabric.

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