For the lazy folks, here’s the complete list, current as of today from the most recent to the oldest one:
- Bitcoin: the blockchain ecosystem lubricant : Where I look at how Bitcoin help keep the blockchain fair or fairer than private solution.
- Bitcoin double “double trouble” : Explaining some of the flaws in the bitcoin design, both economical and architectural one.
- Canonical Land and Grab Strategy to capture the private cloud market : Analysis of Canonical cloud strategy.
- The upcoming Storage API battle : look at the evolution of the storage ecosystem and the role of upcoming API.
- No, "you weren't ahead of time", you just were riding the wrong diffusion curve : understanding market diffusion curves
- Terrorism and the emergence of Stand alone complex behavior : About the Stand alone complex will start permeating the terrorism landscape and how it will impact our daily life.
- Using financial tools to manage technical DebtOn the emergence of hardware level API for dis-aggregated datacenter resources : when it comes to debt finance has more experience to deal with it than IT folks. Lets look at the tools and approach they use to deal with it.
- (Big) Data is a double edged sword : Bigdata can cut both way and you need to understand how to handle it if you don't want to be cut.
- Intelligence cannot be commoditized : how the enterprise world needs to be realistic regarding its expectations of data science tools.
- There is no unicorn in your BigData : looking at why it is a pointless exercise to hope to find the “next big idea” in your data and instead, one should be leveraging the information extracted towards operational excellence as well as market dominance.
- From Converged Infrastructure To Disaggregated Datacenter : Look at the next logical step of datacenter technology evolution where resources get pooled across server rather than simply converged in each box.
- On avoiding vendor lock-in by leveraging Openstack : When you get too deep and you are stuck with it.
- Openstack consumption model : DiY vs Enterprise : comparing openstack adoption model.
- Architecture Overview of an Open Source Low TCO cloud storage system : post looking at what was a low TCO cloud storage, outdated now , but still retain some relevant part.
- The dark side of Green I.T. : when Green is just a lick of paint
- The network performance within the cloud, an hidden enemy : inner working of your cloud provider can be ( still is ) a massive black hole in your application performance view.
- The 5 Reasons You're Failing at innovating : my view at the time why big corporation cannot keep up with the innovation pace (changed since)
- After follow the moon, Avoid the law : when avoiding the law is more profitable than being energy efficient.
- IT Trading systems and Cloud take one : naive cloud based trading system , obsolete now.
- Smart Grids, Smart Meters, and the complexity of the power grid market : Smart grid is problematic, and we didn't solve it so far.
- Turning off workstation, sustainability vs efficiency : looking at the real number behind some old claim.
- Google, the kettle and a calculator : quantifying the actual power cost of google search in 2009 and putting it into perspective.
- Carpooling Vs Virtualization : sometimes a metaphor is the best tool to explain IT technology and its consequences.
- Virtualization: Energy Efficiency vs Energy Sustainability : when being efficient doesn't make you sustainable.
- Green IT: Sustainability , strategy and hype : greenwashing was all the rage at the time (2008)
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